Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So far, so good

Had a breakfast of some nuts and a banana followed by a light lunch of a shredded turkey salad. Lots of water and one cup of coffee so far. Feeling full for the first time in a few days.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Six Pounds Down

I started in earnest on December 2nd, 2010. Since them I'm down six pounds. I've been strict on the grain but allowed for a little dairy. No regular exercise routine since I started, but I'll be dragging the kettlebell out from under the bed before too long.

My REAL Day 1

This morning I decided I was going "all out" paleo for the day. While my son munched on a plate of bacon, banana Cheerios and a fruit bar I cooked up a two egg omelette stuffed with tomatoes, onions, bacon and spinach. Was it good? Very. Was it filling? No. So I decided to finish off my meal with a handful our Fancy Nuts -- cashews, almonds and some others I can't recall at the moment. This was all washed down the gullet with a cup of coffee with fewer spoonfuls of sugar than usual, no cream and a glass of water.

For lunch I rolled some turkey and tomatoes in a few lettuce leaves and dipped it in a lovely mixture of oil and balsamic vinegar. One more glass of water and now I am waiting for my stomach to send me its full feeling again. It's taking it's sweet time at the moment. :-/