Saturday, May 7, 2011

5x3 @ 20kg

This morning I did five three-rung ladders with the 20 kg for the first time. So far I'm ahead of schedule. I'm hoping to get to 5x5 with 24 kg by mid-July.

Size 16 no more

I came across a pair of jeans I wore last year and thought that I would never have to wear them again if I stick to this new plan of eating better and swinging my kettlebell. They went straight into the Goodwill pile.

Friday, May 6, 2011


After all day of running around with my "Big Son" and not getting a decent meal under my belt (decent as in not complete, not fast-foody type) I finally got the chance to treat myself to a medium-well steak smothered in 'shrooms and onions. No sides, but at this point it is all I needed. Did 20 swings today and am looking forward to learning a few new things from the hubby tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Must be tired

Just did 20 swings (two sets of 10) and I am beat. I guess I am still tired from yesterday.

Weight is still hovering around the same spot but I am not as concerned about it as I used to be. Excess weight doesn't necessarily mean excess fat.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just do ten

Ten swings of the kettlebell. This is the advice given to me by my husband. Just do ten. Advice that he picked up from a video workshop by Tracy Reifkind -- aka "The Queen of the Kettlebell". And you know what? Just from the little bit of practice I have had so far, I feel better. Stronger. Like I can finally do this for life.